Thursday, October 30, 2014

The lack of Halloween

People have been asking me what Little Man is going to be for Halloween this year. I've been getting very strange looks when I say, "Himself"! Let me explain...

I have a lot going in right now. Probably too much!
1. Hubby started this new job, which means he is gone Monday thru Thursday or Friday.
2. Which means I hold down the fort with a Terrible Two year old who no longer naps, and 8 week old who has decided he doesn't want to lie down to sleep this week. He only wants to sleep on Mommy, which means Mommy doesn't sleep, which doesn't work for anyone.
3. I signed up for the Richmond Half Marathon... in 3 weeks! So I'm running... but, that would be happening anyways, since that is my main coping mechanism.
4. I am taking my second - to - last college class for my BSN. Maybe not my smartest choice..
5. I'm starting to get a little desperate trying to find childcare so I get to go back to work. If I don't find anything, then I will take it as a sign that my working days are at an end, for now. But I really like my job, and I would really like my 2 mornings a week to be with adults! :-)

So no, a costume for my 2 year old is not even closer to my radar! And thank goodness he is young enough that it doesn't matter.

Next year may be a different story...

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Better days

So far, last week was awful.  Little Man was having a major meltdown multiple times a day.  We had doctor appointments, Bible study, attempts at play dates that turned into a screaming battle of wills (him screaming at me, not vise versa).  Thankfully, this week is much better.  Is it a great week?  Not necessarily.  But we are managing, and I have not had a tearful breakdown.  The daily running has probably helped with that.  :)  Here is our week so far: 
My strength-training hill
This "hill" looks so easy, right?  Add a headwind/breeze and a 40+ pound double stroller, and this becomes no picnic!  So far, I've been taking the loop to run down it.  :)
Carl's ice cream in Fredericksburg
I may have over-dressed the boys for a "chilly" 70 degree run 
Much better! After our first 2 miler together
Bedtime routine
I love this picture!  And no, Baby Thunder does not sleep with his brother.  We were reading a bedtime book as part of Little Man's routine, and Baby Thunder was starting to cry in his crib.  So, Little Man interrupts me and says, "Mommy, get Baby Funder."  Yes, he still calls him Thunder.  :)  So, I grabbed the baby, his pacifier, and my phone, and plopped him next to Little Man, who snuggled next to him.  And we finished reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.  :)  So for everyone who asks how Little Man likes his little brother, now you know.  :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Daily miles

Since the horrendous Wednesday night last week, where Little Man and Baby Thunder took turns screaming at me for an hour starting the moment we got home from my Bible study, I have been running. Every single day.

I have never done a running streak before. I've always thought that you need to rest every other day to prevent injury. But for me, it is harder to get back out there when I've had a few days off. So now, I want to commit to ruining at least 1 mile every single day. 

I found this poster on Facebook last night. Much truth can be found in it!

Happy miles, everyone! 

Friday, October 17, 2014

A Running Update

Nothing like a bad week to make you realize how desperately you need to take care of your own needs. In my case, that means going for a run.  So on this gorgeous afternoon, I loaded up these two handsome men in our trusty Orange Stroller (as Little Man has named it) and took off.
Pre-run: Little Man is obviously excited to spend some quality time with his Goldfish
Pre-run: Baby Thunder seems excited to be riding without his carseat.

I'm not gonna lie - pushing a double stroller with nearly 40 pounds of boy is no joke.  Especially when there is a hill involved.  I need to plan my route a little better next time to avoid said hill, at least until I get a little stronger.  Speaking of which, can running with 2 boys count as strength training?  :) 

Post run
Even though my neck and shoulders are more sore from pushing the boys, this run felt amazing.  I feel an alertness that coffee cannot bring (despite not going to sleep until 2:30am and waking up every 2-3 hours, courtesy of Baby Thunder).  I feel happier than I have all week, and Little Man has actually gone nearly 3 hours without throwing a tantrum!  Which makes me realize something - I need to run.  Daily.  Or at least nearly every day.  Not only for losing those last 10 pounds or to Boston-qualify this spring; no, I need to run for my sanity.  To fight off the depression demons I feel closing in.  To feel awake and happy.

And if someone wants to watch my little men for even just 20 minutes, I would love to run in therapeutic peace.

Monday, October 13, 2014

New Adventures

Yes, the New Adventure has begun!  Two weeks ago, Hubby started his new job and I started my new life of being a stay at home mom (for my remaining 6 weeks) and single parent for 3-5 days per week!  Here is how we fared for week 1:
Monday - Hubby left in the afternoon since he didn't have to be down in Cary, NC until dinner time.  It was a dreary, rainy day, so the boys and I just kinda hung out.

Saying goodbye to Daddy/Hubby
Tuesday - I decided to take the boys and "Uncle Wo" (my middle brother) apple picking at Dickie Brothers Orchard in Roseland, VA.  Little Man enjoyed picking "green apples" and hanging out with the farm labs, despite one of them stealing his apple.

Wednesday - Little Man decided it was a good day to hang out in Baby Thunder's car seat.  Don't worry, he didn't stay there all afternoon.  :)  I also washed a bushel of apples, in prep for making applesauce.  Also, we went to a women's Bible study at church in the evening. 

One bushel of apples, waiting to be made into applesauce
 Thursday - My mom took me to Spirited Art as a belated birthday gift, where we drank wine and painted The Whimsical Fan.  Due to Hubby's new job, we will be relocating to Columbus, OH next spring/summer.  As such, I wanted to make a little bit of home to keep with me.  The Fan is a section of Richmond where Hubby and I first lived when we got married. Now, I can take it wherever I go!  :)
 And of course, since I was home all by myself all week, I got lots of snuggle time in with this little boy, at 11:30pm...

... and 4am...... not my favorite time of day...

Friday - Little Man talked on his "iPhone" aka the insert from Hubby's iPhone packaging, and we waited for 3pm to bring Hubby home!

Overall, we had some fun, there were not too many meltdowns, and WE SURVIVED!!!  :)